All pregnant women, including those with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infections, have the right to high quality care before, during and after childbirth. This includes antenatal, newborn, postnatal, intrapartum and mental health care.

A safe and positive childbirth experience includes:

- Being treated with respect and dignity;
- Having a companion of choice present during delivery;
- Clear communication by maternity staff;
- Appropriate pain relief strategies:
- Mobility in labour where possible, and birth position of choice.
— WHO Q&A on COVID-19

NYC and NJ Based Professionals Offering Virtual Support

Childbirth Education, Newborn Care, and Lactation/Feeding Classes:

Lactation Support and Groups:

Prenatal/New Parent Support Groups:

Prenatal Movement Classes

Infant Classes


For Partners

This is by no means an exhaustive list and will be continually updated. If you know of or are offering virtual resources not listed, please contact me at with the subject “Virtual Resource”. Thank you!